Get ready for the Next Step
Big corporations are professional in their executive selection process – So are you?

The Lawyer who is preparing a contract at the firm’s terms, not yours
The HR director assesses you and squeezes your salary – his primary job!
An executive search guru who finds alternatives to you, so how can you present yourself being unique?
A sales plan master who will put the carrot just right in front of you – but will you be able to ever reach it?
A “compliance master” who will generate you break points to get you out fast if you are not needed any longer…
Life is not fair.
Everything a company needs to employ the best talent at a good price. However, is that really in your best interest?
Do you think you can all solve these speciality matters by yourself?
Do you really have the perfect up-to-date Curriculum Vitae and cover letter ready?
Do you think your story is perfectly rounded?
Do you already have this CEO-like shine?
And you know how to negotiate the best package?
You know the dynamics of your next company?
Really? So why then don’t you have the senior executive position you want – yet?
Rather partner up with a trusted advisor.
Better don’t fool yourself.
Do you really know what is your value?

If you are feeling stuck in your company – you have a feeling, that you might accomplish more someplace else – or if you are having a vision, but can’t fulfill in your present work – this is exactly, where vonGammCom can assist you through our
Executive Coaching Services – ECS
We act as a catalyst to help leaders enhance or rethink their personal talent and job strategy. We work here with you as an executive to assist your move forward towards the next level.
Here are few points:
Personal executive development
Executive Coaching on a 1:1 base
CEO transition-in
Prepare and consult on an individual base during difficult times
Work with you strategic shifts or reorganization
Initiate a personal change, which has an work-related impact
Coaching Articles we do recommend
- Jane Haifetz: Improve Your Resume By Turning Bullets Into Stories in Harvard Business Review
- Marcel Schwantes: 10 Timeless Habits That Will Change Your Life Right Now in Inc.COM
- Tim Schlenzig: 7 seltsame Fragen mit denen Du Deine Berufung finden kannst –
- Laszlo Bock: My Personal Formula For A Better Resume
- J. T. O’Donnell: Six Things I’d Do If I Get Laid Off By IBM
- Steve Tobak: To Be Successful, Only Do What Matters in Entrepreneur.COM
- James Altucher: 10 Life Changing Decisions We Do Without Thinking
- Steve Tobak: How To Be A Better Manager? Get A Dog! in Entrepreneur.COM
- Geoffrey Colon: APIs are stronger than MBAs
- Henry Mintzberg: Why do we say “Top Management”, but never “Bottom Management”?
- Ryan Fuller in Harvard Business Review: How to finally kill the useless, recurring meeting
- Michael C. Mankins in Harvard Business Review: Stop wasting valuable time!
- Mark Bonchek: Don’t sell A Product, Sell A Whole new Way of Thinking in Harvard Business Review
- Tim David: Your Elevator Pitch Needs An Elevator Pitch in Harvard Business Review
- Jeff Haden: 10 Things Bosses Never Tell Employees, But Should
- Jessica Stillman: Tim Ferriss’ Nine Work Habits You Need To Stop Today in
- Christian Sywotteck: Interimsmanager “Heute hier, morgen dort” in Brandeins 02/2016